Editors Desk

Voice Ideal Unquestionable Truth India Speaks Scriptures Education Health Environment  UN newsline Forthcoming Issue Editors  Desk

Manjit Dada





What Touches All,Must Be Shared By All. With this motto to bring a revolution in the attitude of the people through out the world and to generate awareness on the menace of AIDS. Our Foundation along with UNAIDS has started incessant efforts for last six years on WORLD AIDS DAY.In 2002 our foundation put first camp distributed badges and leaflets.In 2004 we organised seminar with the slogan LIVE AND LET LIVE,where many dignataries participated to make our mission successful.In 2004 we conducted an awareness camp with the thematic focus on women,girls and HIV/AIDS. To help people to think anew and incource of discussions various awareness of solution opened up. Our main thurst this year is upon the STUDENT COMMUNITY,who are the future citizens and to add to their knowledge not only much informations and positive thinking,but also the hope_ AN AIDS FREE WORLD.
We firmly believe that prevention is better than cure and so is our all_ out efforts. STOP AIDS MAKE THE PROMISE

your cooperation in this endevour is highly solicited

Various activities to spread awareness among students and people from all walks of life about the HIV/AIDS

 epidemic. We started online journal too www.catch.faithweb.com 

Email :catchmgz@gmail.com
